2018 AGM

Created by admin on 2018-10-07 18:18:48; Updated 2018-10-07 18:18:48

Our first AGM was held on Thursday 4 October 2018.  Minutes will be published on the web site in due course. The existing committee, Derek Hooper, Chairman, Les Stone, Treasurer and Clare Lawson Secretary were re-elected for a further term unopposed. In addition a fourth committe member Chas Russell was unanimously elected. Chas will be primarily concerned wth looking after activites and projects in the Shed.

The Shed has ended the year in a good state both in terms of its finances and its development.  The construction work is almost complete and, thanks to grants received and donations, well equipped.  Membership currently stands at 19 with a regular flow of enquiries.

The Chairman's and Treasurer's reports are on the web site - click Resources.